
St. Patrick, Fake Realities and the Age of Saturn

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. In my last few posts, I wrote about the metaphysical unveiling and shifting of reality into the Age of Aquarius, ruled over by Saturn/Chronos in connection with chapters 12 and 13 of the Book of Revelation of St John the Divine. As discussed in my book, The Sun Lady Unveiled, the Irish equivalent of Saturn/Chronos/Moloch was the fertility titan of human sacrifice known as Crom Crouch. Here is what I wrote about this infernal creature in the book:

The Celtic equivalent to Saturn/Baal-Peor/Baal-Hammon/Molech would be Crom Cruach. According to Irish legend, as Chris Pinard reports, Crom Cruach was an ancient Old One, that demanded child sacrifice for a plentiful harvest in return.[1]

“In a 12th century Dinsenchas poem, Crom Cruach is given sacrifice of first-born children in order to ensure a plentiful harvest (grain and milk) “For him ingloriously they slew their hapless firstborn with much wailing and peril, to pour their blood round Cromm Cruaich.” To outsiders (Greeks) this ritualistic child sacrifice mentioned in The Annals might have appeared similar to Cronos eating his children. Further evidentiary support of connections between Cronos and Crom Cruach comes from the fertility associations of both figures. Cronos was a deity who ruled over a Golden age. There was no want during his rule. One of the emblems of Cronos was the scythe (a grain harvesting tool), which could also be seen as a tool of death. In Athens the festival of Kronia was celebrated, wherein Cronos was the central figure. This was a harvest festival. Similarly we find agricultural associations with Crom Cruach in the aforementioned poem.

We know relatively little of Crom Cruach. However, the little information that does survive fits closely with Cronos. In addition to the sacrifices to Crom Cruach previously mentioned, there is a reference to the fact that his statue was plated in gold and was at the center of 12 other statues of gods. “Tis there was the king-idol of Erin, namely the Crom Cróich, and around him twelve idols made of stones; but he was of gold. Until Patrick’s advent, he was the god of every folk that colonized Ireland. To him they used to offer the firstlings of every issue and the chief scions of every clan.” This passage is eerily similar to this quote from Plutarch regarding Cronos: “There is one island where Cronos is prisoner, being guarded in his sleep by Briareus, for sleep has been devised as fetters to bind him, and there are many deities about him as satellites and attendants.” The other passage then mentions: “Cronus himself sleeps within a deep cave resting on a rock which looks like gold.” Both quotes could have been written precisely about Crom Cruach’s shrine in Ireland.”

In the article “Who were the Nephilim?” by Rita Louise,[2] the author points how the earth-born Giants in Greek and Orphic myths, were the progenitors of humanity, instead of the opposite that we see in Genesis and the Enoch literature as the hybrid offspring of angels and humans.

“The notion of giants roaming the Earth can be found in cultures around the world. Greek mythology tells us that the Titan, Chronos, castrated his father, Uranus, in order to gain control of the Greek pantheon.  It is from the blood of the castrated Uranus that fell upon the Earth that the giants, the ‘Earth-born’, were created. The Earth-born, when compared to us, were giants. The giants, under the rule of Chronos, lived during the golden age, in a time that was free from sorrow or care and everyone lived happy and joyous lives.

It was only after Chronos’ son, Zeus, fought for control of both the heavens and the Earth that everything changed. Zeus, in his new role (according to Greek myth), put the giants to work. It was just a matter of time before the giants starting ignoring the gods’ mandates. They were no longer prostrating themselves to the will of the gods. Their lack of complete servitude and their failure to comply with the gods’ demands incited the ‘children of god’ into a full-blown rebellion against the heavenly gods. Heavy losses were taken on both sides, but their revolution was finally suppressed by the gods. A truce was declared. As part of their reparations to the giants, it was decided to create a new race to handle the burdens that were cast upon the giants: Man.

Padraic Colum, in his book entitled Orpheus, Myths of the World, relates this tale about the creation of Man. Aztec legend recounts how the Earth-mother, Citlalicue, gave birth to a flint knife. When the knife was flung down onto the Earth it was transformed into sixteen hundred ‘Earth-gods’. (Is there a connection between the flint knife flung down by Citlalicue and the sickle used by Chronos to castrate his father?) These newly-formed Earth-gods lived as men and women and laboured in search of food. After some time the Earth-gods began to think that this work was below their station. They were, after all, the children of the Sky-father and Earth-mother. They asked their mother, Citlalicue, to make a race who would serve them and bear the burdens they faced. With the help of Citlalicue mankind was created.

Based upon these mythological traditions, it seems clear that the Earth-born giants, the Nephilim, existed long before man first inhabited the Earth. Thus, when you read the line, ‘the Nephilim were on the Earth in those days – and also afterward’, it seems clear, from this perspective, that the authors were not being vague. Instead, they were just making a statement of fact – that the Nephilim, the Earth-born, were on the Earth at that time.

So, who were the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men? The Hebrew Bible refers to them as gibborim. The inferred meaning of this word is men of great stature, heroes, men who are valiant or brave. The Greek Septuagint identifies them as the renominati or men of renown. In Greek mythology the gods have a long history of having relations with humans. The names of some of these ‘demi-gods’, or semi-human individuals, whose names have withstood the test of time include Hercules, Perseus and Achilles. In India they are called Hanuman and Garuda and, in Sumer, Gilgamesh and Adapa.”

Recently, there have been calls from Marxist Social Justice Warriors in academia for attempting to normalize human sacrifice and cannibalism and reinstate paganism as the state religion. This is the reason you see these BLM and Antifa psychos eating raw animal hearts and bathing in animal blood. It’s all part of a larger effort to de-Christianize the West and convert everyone into ancestral paganism. The morons doing this, however, do not realize how evil these old religions were. People had no human rights in those religions. If you were marked for human sacrifice, you’d get flayed alive to the gods whether you liked it or not. All of this makes sense since, on December 21, 2020, we entered the Age of Aquarius (a fixed air sign oddly enough) of course, the ruler of Saturn and the chief titan of human and child sacrifice. All signs around this time indicated that Donald Trump was predestined to be marked as the ritual sacrifice in perhaps what is the greatest eclipse ritual in human history. Tracy Twyman has written extensively on the true meaning of eclipses in her later essays.

As pointed out by a guest that appeared on my now-defunct podcast (The Megas Aeon), Justin Bass, St. Patrick was considered the missionary pioneer to the barbarians. “To all nations” (Mark 13:10). According to Richard Fletcher in the Barbarian Conversion, St. Patrick took what St. Paul’s call for the evangelism of the “barbarians” (Romans 1:14) and spread it to the far reaches and lands beyond the Roman empire (Romans 15:20-24).

Patrick could describe himself as ‘a slave in Christ to a foreign people’. Patrick’s originality was that no one within western Christendom had thought such thoughts as these before, had ever previously been possessed by such convictions. As far as our evidence goes, he was the first person in Christian history to take the scriptural injunctions literally; to grasp that teaching all nations meant teaching even barbarians who lived beyond the frontiers of the Roman Empire.

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus tells his disciples when Apocalypse Endgame will be triggered by his divine estimation:

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The Apocalypse in Greek is rendered as ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from off: ἀπό and cover: καλύπτω, literally meaning “an uncovering” or a revelation. Strong’s Concordance on Bible Hub gives us a condensed view of the Book of Revelation.

Signifies revelation, but is particularly referred to the revelations which John had in the isle of Patmos, whither he was banished by Domitian. Hence it is another name for the book of Revelation. This book belongs, in its character, to the prophetical writings, and stands in intimate relation with the prophecies of the Old Testament, and more especially with the writings of the later prophets, as Ezekiel, Zechariah, and particularly Daniel, inasmuch as it is almost entirely symbolical. This circumstance has surrounded the interpretation of this book with difficulties, which no interpreter has yet been able fully to overcome. As to the author, the weight of testimony throughout all the history of the church is in favor of John, the beloved apostle. As to the time of its composition, most commentators suppose it to have been written after the destruction of Jerusalem, about A. D. 96; while others assign it an earlier date.

It is an expanded illustration of the first great promise, “The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent.” Its figures and symbols are august and impressive. It is full of prophetic grandeur, and awful in its hieroglyphics and mystic symbols: seven seals opened, seven trumpets sounded, seven vials poured out; mighty antagonists and hostile powers, full of malignity against Christianity, and for a season oppressing it, but at length defeated and annihilated; the darkened heaven, tempestuous sea, and convulsed earth fighting against them, while the issue of the long combat is the universal reign of peace and truth and righteousness-the whole scene being relieved at intervals by a choral burst of praise to God the Creator, and Christ the Redeemer and Governor. Thus its general scope is intelligible to all readers, or it could not yield either hope or comfort. It is also full of Christ. It exhibits his glory as Redeemer and Governor, and describes that deep and universal homage and praise which the “Lamb that was slain” is forever receiving before the throne. Either Christ is God, or the saints and angels are guilty of idolatry.

“To explain this book perfectly,” says Bishop Newton, “is not the work of one man, or of one age; probably it never will be clearly understood till it is all fulfilled.”

What exactly does this “uncovering” or “unveiling” entail exactly? I think it has to do with the artificial nature of this reality we inhabit–especially now. We’ll get to that shortly. Furthermore, Manly P. Hall, a Freemasonic black magician, saw the Book of Revelation as an initiatory Gnostic text filled with astrotheological symbolism and mystery teachings. While this is a popular view among occultists, there are also anti-Gnostic sentiments expressed in the same text as well like in Revelation 2:1-2, which lambasts a heretical Gnostic cult called the “Nicolaitans” as also discussed by the church fathers and also condemns anyone who practices sorcery and witchcraft in the strongest terms. (We will explore Manly P. Hall’s work on the Apocalypse later in another post.) And yet, that is exactly what the movers and shakers behind the “global reset” are doing as described in Revelation 18:23. Also, let’s also not forget that recently a newly recovered Dead Sea Scroll fragment gives us an extremely ominous warning from Nahum:

The mountains quake because of Him, And the hills melt. The earth heaves before Him, The world and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before His wrath? Who can resist His fury? His anger pours out like fire, and rocks are shattered because of Him.

Yesterday, right before St. Patrick’s Day, a clip of a visibly senile President Joe Biden surfaced revealing a bad green screen with his hand going through two mic booms. Now, many are questioning whether the Emperor truly has any clothes or if the Wizard of Oz is really just some old geezer with delusions of grandeur trying to trick everyone into believing he is all-powerful. Perhaps this is signaling the idea that any news story has the potential of being generated by deep fake video effects and no one will be able to distinguish between fake news and reality. I suspect this is signaling something even greater which will cascade into a domino effect of the crashing down of the current House of Cards–the same one which we were chosen to bear upon our shoulders like Atlas.

Will we just shrug it all off like the Plus Ultra elite have chosen to do so in efforts to bust out of the Matrix through Mithraic and Saturnine ritual sex magic? What then? I also suspect we won’t have a Philip K Dick or William Gibson ending–way past the technocratic rule and Arcologies, fully into the End Times, the return of the gods, and whatever the New Aeon awaits. Also past the fake UFO reveal and fully into the Superspectrum and the collapse of the Eighth Tower as described by the Fortean writer, John A. Keel.

Next up, we will see the startling conclusion of Welcome to the Unveiling and who knows what else.

[1] Crom Cruach: Ireland and the Fetters of Cronos. https://owlcation.com/social-sciences/Isle-of-the-Blessed-Ireland-and-the-Fetters-of-Cronos

[2] The Heretic Magazine. http://thehereticmagazine.com/who-were-the-nephilim/

The Book of Revelation, chapter 12, tells us of a pregnant Woman Clothed with the Sun, wailing in birth pangs. It also tells us before St. Michael flung the dragon to the earth, he pursued the winged Sun Lady to devour her and her royal child of God. But in the last moment, they are snatched away to safety.

Many have speculated that this story connects to the great celestial sign pointing to a series of future calamities which are unfolding before our eyes. These stories, symbols, and archetypes point to an emerging revelation about humanity’s secret past and ultimate destiny.

We must travel back to ancient Israel, Samaria, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and Babylon to find the origins of the Sun Lady. Why does the occult place special emphasis on the Book of Revelation? Do you have the heart and mind to discover the truth? Join me, Alex Rivera, for an exciting and dangerous journey into the esoteric and hidden dimensions of the Sun Lady Unveiled!

On the Mysteries

Check out my newest video on my YouTube channel. Stay tuned for many more updates and news, including a premium version of my site for my readers who want more in depth articles, videos and audio, including Season 2 of the Megas Aeon Podcast, coming soon!

The Esoteric Meaning of Death In Vegas’s Dirt Music Video

In the 90’s big beat band, Death In Vegas‘s “Dirt” music video (directed by Andrea Giacobb), we see many references to World War 2, fascism, the Jewish holocaust, Hindu gods, occult rituals, Freemasonic and Theosophist notions of dualism, and demonology. I am writing as I witness the current Masonic, President-elect Donald Trump wage war in Syria (due to a “Reichstag” false flag chemical attack triggered by Syrian rebels but blamed on Assad), further provoking a potential new, third World War with multiple nations, at once–including the likes of Syria, Russia, North Korea, China and eventually Iran–which is essentially the Armageddon script for World War 3 and the rise of AntiChrist.

In the first scene of the music video, we are treated to three pigs, hanging out in the dirt-filled ruins of what appears to be a war-torn, industrial wasteland. Pigs are also associated with disease and being possessed by demons, as the story found in Matthew 8:28-34 tells us when Jesus Christ drove evil spirits into a herd of pigs.

The scene is quickly interrupted with interspersed flashing, hellish, chaotic images of death, dog eat dog nature and human sacrifice–including war, skulls, genocide, cemeteries, an alligator attacking a dear, lynching and a demonic face, talking and laughing along with the voice-over, which says:

This is one thing that…
I was going to wait a while before we talked about
Maybe we’ll talk about it now so you can think about it
Because you all,
We all have to make some kind of plans for ourselves
It’s a free concert from now on

Next, we are treated with further imagery associated with Nazi-fascism and World War II.

Meanwhile, the devil, the god of the dead, secretly remains a spectator, lurking in the shadows, as the world crashes and burns. Indeed, it is a free concert for the devil and his demons, for their entertainment.


Next, we see the androgynous, demon Nazi unveil his multi-armed form, dressed in a half-Nazi-uniform, half-dominatrix outfit, which purposefully comes to mind the director of the Manhattan Project and essentially the “father” of the atomic bomb and nuclear warfare, Robert Oppenheimer and his infamous quote:

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.


Next, the voice-over blathers something like this:

When you go back up to the woods
To go to sleep or if you stay here
Is that the man next to you is your brother

And you damn well better treat each other that way

Because if you don’t then we blow the whole thing

But we’ve got it right there…


We next see a few American soldiers pulling down a lit-up cross, symbolizing the destruction of Christianity, “supposedly” predicted by the 33° Freemasonic/Klu Klux Klan author Albert Pike in an alleged letter from him to Mazzini, August 15, 1871. Many have revealed it to be a forgery, crafted by Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille published in the book Le diable au XIXe siècle, v. II, 1894,  pp. 594-606. Nevertheless, it’s worth quoting:

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

And yet, we are seeing this occurring on the world stage, at this very moment. As it turns out, Albert Pike has some interesting statements about warfare in his Masonic tome, Morals and Dogma of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: First Three Degrees:

Might, in an army wielded by tyranny, is the enormous sum total of utter weakness; and so Humanity wages war against Humanity, in despite of Humanity. So a people willingly submits to despotism, and its workmen submit to be despised, and its soldiers to be whipped; therefore it is that battles lost by a nation are often progress attained. Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks.

Pike also defines dualism this way as seemingly contrary forces and yet working towards the “greater good.” And that includes all sorts of evil abominations that the secret societies perpetrate over and over again, for the “greater good.”

Two, or the Duad, is the symbol of Antagonism; of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. It is Cain and Abel, Eve and Lilith, Jachin and Boaz, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Osiris and Typhon.

Next, we are treated to a little girl, dressed in white, stroking her pet lamb, invoking Christian imagery associated with the Fourth Gospel (1:29) and the Book of Revelation of St. John (5:6-8), as well as Edenic, tree imagery in the background, along with some buildings. This pleasant image is interrupted by our androgynous devil host’s face and the first little girl’s exact, inverted opposite–a goth girl dressed in black, with her pet pig, too. This brings to mind the cabbalistic aphorism popularized by Helena Blavatsky in the Secret Doctrine, “Demon est deus inversus,” often translated as “the devil is the inverse of God.” Note, the little girl dressed in black points to the viewer in accusatory fashion.



The devil shows up again with two bright circles of light, which eventually form a vesica Pisces, being the Pythagorean “measure of the fish” that was a mystical symbol of the intersection. It also represents an open vagina, who is either about to give birth or receptive to copulation. But, since this is emanating from the tranny devil’s eyes, we can safely assume this is a bad thing. We also see a ginormous obese woman carrying a plastic infant and raising it as if she is about to sacrifice it to Molech, Baal-Ammon or some other strange god of the pagans. And next, we see semi-nude men and women, writhing against one another in a sexual, orgiastic manner, dressed in animal heads, such as the bull and either a bear or dog. These are of course animals associated with idolatry, demonology and the seven demonic archons of the Ophite Gnostics that rule the cosmos, per Celsus in the True Doctrine.

The director of this music video, Andrea Giacobbe, is revealing something especially interesting in these next set of images. Essentially, we see three Anglican (or a similar denomination) ministers also make the Masonic inverted triangle hand signal that so many politicians, celebrities and religious leaders, including the likes of Donald Trump have repeatedly made. We also see the three ministers laugh at the three pigs. Before this we see a family of three, open their mouths a gape, symbolic of the average person or voter accepting of all the propaganda and lies these fake preachers, teachers, evangelists, so-called apostles and “watchmen” that are out there pushing all sorts of “damnable heresies” as 2 Peter (2:1) puts it as 2 Peter (2:3) tells us that their “damnation slumbereth not,” and neither shall your’s if you follow after and swallow their words of sweet poison. This is all interrupted by the laughing at this spectacle by our favorite tranny devil.


Next, a voice sample repeats the following:

Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell?
What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell?
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell?
What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell? What’s that Spell?
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut
Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut

For the longest time, I always thought that the voice-over was saying “smell” instead of “spell.” It makes certain sense though. “Flinch, you’ll get a fucking gun-butt to your gut.” Indeed, this is highly reminiscent of George Orwell’s famous quote from Nineteen Eighty-Four, “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human faceforever.” And as many truthers have pointed out, many Christian ministers out there use various horned-hand signals that deliberately invoke demonic spells and cursing against their audience. 

We next see a little girl with demonic, black eyes, reminding us of the so-called “black-eyed children” urban legend. We next see a man playing with a chicken, next to a light-bulb and clock, set at 8:27 or 8:28. We then see a pale woman standing in a magical circle with a rabbit and an umbrella–who knows whatever any of that even means. And then another little girl starring at an eye-testing graph. The rest of the music video is a bit too random (the couple with their faces fused together, the fat woman being spun around, a naked woman being baptized by jugs of water) or too obvious (the riot police playing soccer and the Dalmatian, the children rounded up in farm pens, a pile of dummies) to really examine successfully so I’ll leave the rest of the images here for your own analysis.

However, what I’d like to focus on is the last few scenes of the music video. The first scene has a black/white schema, filled with herded people dressed in red, with animal masks, in pens. Red is the color of initiation, sacrifice, demons, and hell. Next, we see the same devil girl holding a raw, plucked chicken, upside down. And finally, we see the little girl, dressed in white, paying homage to the tranny Devil. This brings to mind what Irenaeus said in Against Heresies (1.25.4), in that the Gnostic teacher, Carpocrates taught that Jesus’ saying of “Whilst you are with your adversary in the way, give all diligence, that you may be delivered from him, lest he give you up to the judge, and the judge surrender you to the officer, and he cast you into prison. Verily, I say unto you, you shall not go out thence until you pay the very last farthing,” (Matthew 5:25-26; Luke 12:58-59), meant that one must literally pay the “devil his due” as he was just one of the many demonic, archonic administrators or what the Eastern Orthodox might say, the “toll-house keepers“:

They also declare the adversary is one of those angels who are in the world, whom they call the Devil, maintaining that he was formed for this purpose, that he might lead those souls which have perished from the world to the Supreme Ruler. They describe him also as being chief among the makers of the world, and maintain that he delivers such souls [as have been mentioned] to another angel, who ministers to him, that he may shut them up in other bodies; for they declare that the body is the prison. Again, they interpret these expressions, You shall not go out thence until you pay the very last farthing, as meaning that no one can escape from the power of those angels who made the world, but that he must pass from body to body, until he has experience of every kind of action which can be practised in this world, and when nothing is longer wanting to him, then his liberated soul should soar upwards to that God who is above the angels, the makers of the world. In this way also all souls are saved, whether their own which, guarding against all delay, participate in all sorts of actions during one incarnation, or those, again, who, by passing from body to body, are set free, on fulfilling and accomplishing what is requisite in every form of life into which they are sent, so that at length they shall no longer be [shut up] in the body.


The director, Andrea Giacobb, is signaling many messages in this video, with the big beats, voice soundbites and metallic guitar riffs provided by Death In Vegas. War is hell. Matter is hell. The panopticon of Satan, the god of the dead and his minions secretly watch over all the flesh and souls of humanity, from cradle to grave, while they wage war and demonically inspired, unimaginable cruelty against one another. The great culling and holocaust of Molech are almost hereOne author had this to say on the subject:

The gods have not stopped living off human sacrifice. The rules of the game have only changed a little. Blood-on-demand is not as delicious as the willing offering of a human soul. Siphoning is evolving into assimilation. This is the tyranny of One, the reason the New Age teaches that awakened consciousness means seeing “small self” as illusion and “Cosmic Self” or “the One,” as the true reality. The intent is to fuse all egos into the will of the One, the will of the Overmind.

The gods are masquerading as Cosmic Self. We either open our minds and recognize our programming, and reason our way out of this snare, or we grin like foolish children and follow the Pied Piper right into the maw of the mountain. Will we choose to amalgamate or to shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision.

I have wondered if the reason these spirits want you to sell your soul and whatnot is that when a person goes to hell, or the “middle” (as the Gospel of Philip calls it) they get absorbed into one of these collective groupings of spirits, such as the Devil, and that individual entity becomes more and more powerful, so the more spirits they have under their possession, the more power they amass. “We are Legion.” They’re always growing by absorbing more souls. They have a similar explanation in Haitian Vodou. There is a voodoo spirit called Baron Samedi who is kind of like the Grim Reaper (much like Saturn), and he presides specifically over the unknown dead. And they believe that Baron harvests earthbound dead souls and makes them part of himself, thus accumulating more dead and giving these lost souls an identity under which they operate.

In the book, Sojourns in Cosmic Consciousness by John Ryan Haule, the author wrote about Robert A. Monroe’s out of body experiences. And as it turns out, Monroe’s OBE’s confirmed the Gnostic descriptions of the universe, with the demiurge, as a “god of death” feeding parasitically on light trapped in matter:

...but there is a great pseudo-god, a demiurge, who lives on death. This unnamed being of unknown gender has turned the Earth into that balanced ecology of death we call the food chain. All of us, from one-celled organisms to philosophers and mystics kill one another to nourish ourselves. In the beginning, the demiurge (or “partial power,” “lower potentate,” what the Gnostics called an Archon) was interested in death itself, in any form it occurred; for the energy released at a being’s death supplied an essential force to enhance the tyrant’s own existence. But as time passed, the demigod discovered that the highest quality energy emanated from the death of sentient beings. The higher the consciousness attained by a bodily being — the more aware it is of its tenuous hold on life and terror of death — the more valuable the nourishment released at its demise. The clinging to life, the panicky struggle to survive, the longing and desolation occasioned by the passing of loved ones, the cruelty and aggression that drives off competitors: all these emotions enhance the death energy and delight the demiurge.

Monroe was shaken and appalled by this vision but unable to evade its truth. It surely describes the bottom line of fleshly existence. Humans are by and large flesh people, obsessed by our survival drive. From the moment we are born, we are on our way to death. Although we suppress this knowledge in a bad-faith attempt to shake the horror residing in our hearts, we act from it constantly. It blinds us to the gaps through which soul might appear. We are the inmates and guards of our own fleshly prison, snarling at threats both real and imagined, and poised to pounce on every opportunity to enhance our precarious and illusory security.

Human existence is Being-toward-death, says Martin Heidegger, the most important philosopher to write about ultimate things in the wake of Nietzsche’s proclamation of the end of metaphysics. Neitzsche himself depicted the Earth as a great ball of death. The soil of our planet is comprised of the decomposing corpses of those who have gone before us, the plants and animals that flowered, swam, galloped, and soared through a few exceptional moments before succumbing to the inevitable fate of providing inanimate fodder for those to follow. Life is the exception, death the constant.

Monroe’s vision of the demiurge who lives on death brings us vividly back to the barren Sinai desert of the seventh century, where the Ladder Man’s disciples fought their fleshly compulsions by fasting, flagellations, all-night prayers, and standing at the gate. Death, too, lies at the center of the teachings of don Juan Matus. Stretch out your left arm to the side, straight from the shoulder. Don’t look! Your death is standing there, less than three feet away, watching, waiting, ready to strike at any moment.

Flesh people cringe to glimpse death out of the corner of their eye. A “warrior,” however, profits from death’s constant presence. The instant we stop fleeing the certain knowledge of our impending demise, death becomes our “advisor.” We act with the constant knowledge that our time on this Earth is limited, and we begin to attend to essential matters. We stop wasting our time. We get down to the business of our own unique, never-to-be-repeated life. We live it, in the imagery of Nietzsche, as though our existence were condemned to be repeated over and over for all eternity. What would I do right now, if I knew it were my last moment on Earth? What would I do if I knew I would face this moment again in lifetime after lifetime, and my act would determine the quality of this moment for all eternity? I would choose the act that best enhances my existence — the most powerful act, the most compassionate, the most far-reaching. The blinders would fall from my eyes. Life would be simpler and more convincing.

Jesus Christ himself said something very similar indeed in Luke (9:57-60):

57 Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” 59 Then He said to another, “Follow Me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.”60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.”